최근 검색어 삭제
커버이미지 없음

금원산생태수목원 방문객의 관람만족도 구조모형분석

Structure Model Analysis on Visitors Satisfaction of Sightseeing in Mt. Keumwon Arboretum

As a part of research to improve the recreation and tourism of Mt. Keumwon, this study undertook a visitor survey and investigated a structure model analysis to evaluate visitors’satisfaction of sightseeing. In socio-demographic background, the 60 percent of visitors was male, the 71.3% was 40s age and over, and the 80.7% was resident in Gyeongsang-do. A theoretical model with measurement was designed to explore and deduce a structural equation model (SEM), which was developed with hypotheses and data from 150 questionnaires collected in 2013. The results supported that display quality has a significant and positive influence on satisfaction more strongly compared to the influence of convenient use, convenient use has a significant and positive influence on satisfaction, and also display quality has a very significant and positive influence on convenient use. The visitors tend to evaluate convenient use to be better as display quality increases.
