BFT 양식장 배출수를 활용한 도시농업용 비료개발
Development of Urban Agricultural Fertilizer of Effluent Water from BFT Inland Aquaculture
- 김용현(Yong Hyun Kim) 손상규(Sang Gyu Sohn) 이영식(Young Sik Lee) 최혜승(Hye Sung Choi) 허무룡(Moo Ryong Huh)
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제19권 제5호
- 등재여부 : SCOPUS, KCI등재
- 2016.10
- 403 - 408 (6 pages)
The objective of this study is to find a useful method of utilizing effluent water from the BFT inland water culture. Recently Sludge and effluent water have been noted to cause water pollution. Therefore, this progressive study of recycling method will replace the use of chemical fertilization. Effluent water from inland water culture contains many fertilization ingredients. This study used different using methods of fertilization. As a result, effluent water that isn’t matured and diluted had positive effects on the growth of lettuce. Effluent water of undiluted involved many mineral elements and proper pH concentration for plants growth but which are involved many concentrations of Na+ ion. High concentrations of Na+ ions are harmful for the growth of plants. This experiment did not show plants adversely affected by Na+ ions. Potentially Na+ ions can cause physiological disturbances of the plant. Effluent water smells because effluent waters using is need to additional pre-treatment for removal its high concentration Na+ ions and bad smell.