최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Awareness and Satisfaction of Citizens on Green Roof Projects (GRPs) in Changwon City, South Korea

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This study was designed to identify citizens’ awareness and satisfaction of Green Roof Projects (GRPs) in Changwon City, South Korea. Changwon City implemented a “Green Roof Promotion Planning” project according to the city’s codes and regulations from 2009 to 2011. The project introduced guidelines for ecological area rates and provided financial subsidies for the green roofing of private buildings. A citizens’ survey shows that 64.8 percent of respondents have a positive awareness of GRPs and think the projects’ priority should be on public buildings and commercial/office buildings. About 43.1 percent of green roof users were satisfied with green roofing in terms of housing improvement and energy saving. However, 34.6 percent of green roof users were not satisfied with regard to plant management. Educational level made a statistically meaningful difference in terms of the awareness of the project’s needs and participatory spirit. Statistics of the survey showed that citizens’ attitude of participation spirit was influenced by the increase in value of a building, green space expansion, and ecosystem conservation. However, their satisfaction was determined by housing improvements. The results of this survey call for a deliberate policy effort on the part of Changwon City to increase the projects’awareness, satisfaction, and participation.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Methodology

Ⅲ. Results and discussion

Ⅳ. Conclusion

Ⅴ. References
