Objectives: This study’s purpose is finding children’s activity spaces that demand environmental safety management. Methods: The method of this study is analysing children’s life patterns based on a questionnaire survey. Results: This study analyzed children’s life patterns through a questionnaire survey. In total, 2,447 questionnaires were provided to analyze children’s life patterns. The results of the questionnaire indicated a highly simple form because many children generally stayed in their home (66%) or nursery facility (2%). In the case of other facilities, playground was ranked first and amusement park was ranked second. In addition, kids cafe (including play facilities installed in shopping centers, etc.), library, and internet cafe were among the responses. Conclusions: The priority for new high-maintenance children’s activity spaces are academy (rank 1), kids cafe (rank 2), indoor playground (rank 3).
1. 서 론
2. 실험방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결 론