최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

알코올사용장애에서 알코올 계기반응에 의한 시각주의력 과제수행의 감소

Alcohol cue Reactivity Decreased Visual Attention Task Performance associated with Alcohol Use Disorder

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2019.23.1.25
  • 87

Objectives : Alcohol cue-reactivity is known to play an important role in alcohol dependence relapse. The purpose of this study was to investigate the alcohol cue-reactivity on alcoholdependent patients and its effects on interpersonal relationships and socialization. Methods : This study involved thirty alcohol-dependent patients and thirty-one normal control subjects who were age and gender matched. We employed an eyetracking technique while the subjects performed visual tasks. We displayed both facial expression and alcohol-related pictures and examined the influence of alcohol visual stimuli on the perception and understanding of the specified facial expression. Results : We found out that alcohol-dependent patients experienced difficulty perceiving and understanding the different facial expressions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and disgust. It was observed that both alcohol-dependent and control participants looked at the facial expression pictures for a longer period of time compared to the alcohol-related images. However, the alcohol-dependent patients tended to initially look at the alcoholrelated pictures more often than their counterparts in control group. Conclusion : We hypothesized that alcohol cue-reactivity may cause alcohol-dependent patients to crave alcohol visual stimuli and may interfere with the perception and understanding of facial expression, which are crucial for interpersonal relation ships and socialization.




