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KCI등재 학술저널

처분성의 확대론에 관한 검토

A Study on the Expansion of Administrative Disposal Concept as Objectives of Revocation Litigation.

DOI : 10.18189/isicu.2019.26.1.143
  • 217

행정처분 개념의 확대에 관한 이론·판례상의 동향을 검토한다. 행정소송법상 처분은 행정청이 행하는 구체적 사실에 관한 법집행으로서의 공권력의 행사 또는 그 거부와 그밖에 이에 준하는 행정작용이다. 행정청의 행위 중에서 처분성이 있는 행위에 대해 서만 취소소송이 인정되므로 어떠한 행정청의 행위에 처분성이 인정되는가에 관하여 검토할 필요가 있다. 우리나라의 행정소송은 취소소송중심주의를 채택하고 있고, 취소 소송은 위법한 행정행위의 효력을 부인하는 것이다. 행정소송법상의 처분개념이 학문상 행정행위(실체법상 개념)와 동일한지 여부에 관하여는 일원설과 이원설로 학설이 나누어져 있고, 이원설이 다수설이다. 종전에는 실체법적 개념설에 입각하여 처분성의 개념을 좁게 인정하였으나, 오늘날에는 처분성의 개념을 쟁송법적 개념설에 입각하여 처분성의 개념을 확대하고 있다. 학설·판례는 형식적 행정행위, 권력적 사실행위 등 행정행위가 아닌 공권력 행사에도 처분성을 인정하고 있다. 결국 처분성의 확대는 국민의 권리구제의 기회의 보장을 위한 학설·판례의 노력의 산물이다.

In this paper, theories and precedents on the expansion of the disposal concept were reviewed. In the case of disposable acts, the theory is divided into one-way theory and two-way theory. In the past, the concept of disposability was narrowly accepted on the basis of the substantive legal concept. Today, however, the concept of disposability is expanded on the basis of the concept of dispute law. The case is also expanding on the basis of the legal concept of litigation. First, in the past, based on the concept of substantive legal concept, we recognized the disposability. Today, it is the position of the doctrines and judgments to take the legal concept of litigation. Second, the concept of formal administrative action is introduced in theory to expand the concept of disposability. Third, the special powers of administrative acts have recognized fairness and inevitability, but disposition is also recognized in fact acts, administrative guidance, and administrative plans. Fourth, administrative power is recognized as a special power of fairness and it is understood as a reflection effect of the administrative litigation system. Fifth, there is a view that discretionary power is claimed instead of justice in administrative acts that are subject to cancellation lawsuits. In the end, the expansion of the concept of disposal is the product of the efforts of the theory and precedent to expand the opportunity for the benefit of the people. According to the principle, the precedent is based on the concept of substantive legal concept and sees the administrative act as the main content of the appeal litigation, but also expands interpretation with the concept of disposition in the litigation law in mind in order to expand the disposability. Therefore, the enlargement of the disposability can not help but mean the divergence between the administrative disposition and the administrative act which were formerly single body.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 처분의 개념

Ⅲ. 처분성의 확대에 관한 이론 및 판례의 동향

Ⅳ. 행정행위개념의 존재의의

Ⅴ. 결론
