최근 검색어 전체 삭제
SSCI 학술저널

Exploring the Black Box of Task-Technology Fit: The Case of the Korean Single Window System

  • 11

The global trade environment demands a safe and fast trade clearance system or the sake of trade facilitation and customer satisfaction. These circumstances are also important for the use of single window. I identified how to better use single window by analyzing the factors affecting its use. First, deducted factors affecting the utilization of single window external pressure(demands from trading partners), government support, CEO support, partnership, education and training, task fit and technology fit. As a second step, I analyzed their effects on the efficiency and effectiveness of single window utilization. This analysis was based on a survey of about 200 companies using single window, and the data was then analyzed with a structural equation model. This led to the formulation of the early model based on the Innovation Diffusion Theory, Technology-Task Fit, Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance Model, and then to the Revised Models 1,2,3 and 4. I came to five important conclusions. First, task fit is enhanced when government support, CEO support and education and training on single window are enhanced. Second, as a result from Revised Model 1, task fit is significantly impacted when government support, CEO support, and education and training about single window are enhanced; the more task fit is strengthened, the more business efficiency is strengthened. Third, as a result from Revised Model 2, task fit is better when government support, CEO support, and education and training about single window are improved; the more task fit is strengthened, the more business effectiveness is improved. Fourth, as a result from Revised Model 3, task fit is more developed, when CEO support and education and training about single window are enhanced; the more task fit is developed, the more business efficiency is strengthened. Fifth, as a result from Revised Model 4, task fit is increased when CEO support and education and training about single window are strengthened; the more task fit is increased, the more business effectiveness is improved. I firmly believe that further research regarding the causal relationship between business task and technology fit and business performance should be conducted in order to enable Korean import and export companies to more effectively and efficiently utilize single window in the future.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Theoretical Background

Ⅲ. Research Models and Hypotheses

Ⅳ. Hypotheses Verification Results

V. Conclusion
