최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

屋上屋, 펜트하우스가 될 것인가 옥탑방이 될 것인가?

Rooftop, Penthouse or Cockloft

  • 69

This article is based on the article published by the opposing presenter in the debate on the establishment of a high-ranking official crime investigation jointly organized by five academic societies on criminal law. It should be noted that those who wrote the text should be saved as much as possible, but it was inevitable that some changes were made since considerable time had passed and considerable changes were made. Nevertheless, the basic attitude of this article is the same. I agree that prosecution reforms are necessary, but they can not be an alternative. Despite their merits, the bills submitted so far are not able to create an airport as a weapon to pursue judicial reforms expected by the public, and are more likely to fall into helpless paper tigers rather than abused. Judicial reform and prosecution reform should be solved by the law of plaint rather than expecting something unknown, such as a traffic school. We must start with dismantling their sacred familism by dismantling courts and prosecutors as a single nationwide organization by area and matter.

Ⅰ. 序說

Ⅱ. 욕구불만, 새로운 것에 대한 과도한 기대

Ⅲ. 정의로움에 대한 갈망

Ⅳ. 여러 법안의 비판적 검토

Ⅴ. 매우 어설픈 마무리
