최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

소년보호관찰에 회복적 사법 프로그램 실천을 위한 제언

A Suggestions for the Practice of the Restorative Justice Program in Juvenile Probation

  • 201

Juvenile probation adds a goal of healthy upbringing of youth and nurturing as a member of society rather than general probation. However, the existing juvenile probation program has limitations and problems in treating juveniles to meet the In view of the point that the current youth probation program does not adequately meet the needs and needs of the program, We would like to suggest a resilient private law as an alternative. The resilient private law will achieve reintegration with the restoration of relations and the support of the community in an effort to recover from the damage and to impose a duty (responsibility). It can face up to the circumstances of the impact and damage of one s actions and thus foster responsibility for one s actions and empathy for the other. And it will also be very effective in preventing juvenile delinquencies that have caused problems afterwards. This will be very effective in preventing juvenile delinquencies who have caused problems in the future by facing up to the circumstances of their influence and damage, and thus fostering their responsibilities and empathy for their actions. In many countries, restorative justice is applied to juvenile justice.In addition, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is also proposing to Member States to apply restorative justice programs to judicial procedures. In fact, the program was expanded to the US by giving a deep echo to the edification and improvement of the flying boys, as in the case of the Elmaira case in Canada.  And community co-operation and support is the goal of restorative justice, which is also the purpose of probation. Based on this, We have reviewed the problem of applying restorative justice program for juvenile probation and the solution to the problem. In other words, in the case of the probationary youth, the pilot program is implemented the restorative justice program, and the specific issues to be considered in the practical work and the needs of the field are suggested. As an alternative, the correction BB Project (Building Bridge Project), and made a policy proposal for establishing the basis for the implementation of the Restorative Justice Program in juvenile probation.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 소년사법에서 보호관찰

Ⅲ. 소년사법과 회복적 사법의 만남

Ⅳ. 보호관찰 소년에 대한 회복적 사법 프로그램의 적용

Ⅴ. 마치며 – 회복적 사법 프로그램 정착을 위한 정책적 제언
