최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

실용적 유용형질에 기초한 재래 콩 유전자원에서의 우량 재래 나물콩 계통 선발

Selection of Superior Lines Based on the Practical and Useful Characteristics in Korean Indigenous Soy-sprout Germplasm

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초록 The sprout characteristics for 783 sprout soybean lines screened by pure line selection method were evaluated. Those  developed lines were originally collected on farmers fields all around the country. Some of the lines showed higher yield rateof soybean sprouts of 889% and shorter root length of 2.6cm, compared with 599% and 8.7cm of Pungsannamulkong which isthe most widely being cultivated as soy-sprout variety in Koreaat present. The longer sprout length and shorter root length areconsidered as positive character llow, green, black, brown, and mixed color,the brown showed the highest yield rate. The lines selected based on the important characteristics are as follows; KLG11183and KLG11218 for high sprout yield rate, KLG11161, KLG11178, KLG11183, KLG11187, KLG11220, and KLG11225 forsprout length, KLG11008, KLG10902, KLG11065, and KLG11996 for root length, KLG10902, KLG11008, KLG11493, andKLG11601 for rate of hypocotyl length/total sprout length, respectively. Eighteen superior lines out of 738 tested were finallyselected based on the evaluation of characteristics above mentiodevelopment of excellent varieties for soy-sprouts. The sprout characteristics for 783 sprout soybean lines screened by pure line selection method were evaluated. Those  developed lines were originally collected on farmers fields all around the country. Some of the lines showed higher yield rateof soybean sprouts of 889% and shorter root length of 2.6cm, compared with 599% and 8.7cm of Pungsannamulkong which isthe most widely being cultivated as soy-sprout variety in Koreaat present. The longer sprout length and shorter root length areconsidered as positive character llow, green, black, brown, and mixed color,the brown showed the highest yield rate. The lines selected based on the important characteristics are as follows; KLG11183and KLG11218 for high sprout yield rate, KLG11161, KLG11178, KLG11183, KLG11187, KLG11220, and KLG11225 forsprout length, KLG11008, KLG10902, KLG11065, and KLG11996 for root length, KLG10902, KLG11008, KLG11493, andKLG11601 for rate of hypocotyl length/total sprout length, respectively. Eighteen superior lines out of 738 tested were finallyselected based on the evaluation of characteristics above mentiodevelopment of excellent varieties for soy-sprouts.
