최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

[연구논문] 일본 기독교에 나타난 민중신학의 가능성

  • 17

A theological tendency of Japanese Christianity could be divided into three parts, a Gospels oriented Christianity, a Culture oriented Christianity, and a social oriented Christianity. This is a study at a Minjung theological tendancy in a social oriented Christianity in Japan Theological World, specially between two theologians, Takawa Genzo(田川建三) and Guribayashi Deruo(栗林輝夫). They are researched of their marked individual theology under the int1uence korean Minjung theology. Tagawa has written the book, the name of ''Miracles et Evangelie, la pense' personelles de J' evangeliste Marc." In this book Tagawa brought his historical Jesus research in perspective of the lower class in Galilee by Mark's Gospel, ochlos and laos. The Kingdom of God Movement by historical Jesus and his disciples meant by Mark a kind of eschatological suffering and freedom character of Galilee ochlos. Guribayashi also has written the book 'Towards a Theology of the Crown of Thorns." he is concerned about specially a discriminated people by class ism, racism, sexism, casteism, etc. He brought to his theology focus into outcast, "Brakmin" (部落民) in japanese society. Japanese Brakmin meant a butcher, discriminated minority like as korean Bakchung(DT), an indian outcast(不可觸賤民). He has got Minjung theological insight in particular from a poet by Kim Chi-Ha, the title of "A Bread is the Heaven." Guribayashi makes mention about which he wrote his book in response to the korean Minjung theology in Japan.


1.들어가는 글

2.일본 신학의 태동과 우찌무라 간조

3.일본 기독교의 신학적 유형들

4.일본 신학에 나타난 민중신학적 성향


