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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

[연구논문]김재준의 정치신학: 신학적 원리와 사회·정치변혁론 - 1970-1980년대 인권·민주화·평화통일 운동을 중심으로

  • 129

This article is a study on Rev. Changgong Chae Choon Kim's theology of politics in terms of his Human Right movement & Democracy of Korea during 1970-80' abroad in which he had worked as a representative of the united movement for democracy and reunification of Korea in North America. His basic theological foundation for his engaging in the practical politics during 1970-80' is rooted on his Christian conviction that the prophetic spirit and the Gospel have to be reponsible for this worldly social life because of the incarnational spirituality. the discipleship of Jesus Christ. and the comminttent on God' s Lordship on creation. For Chae Choon Kim. the substantial messages of the Gospel are the supreme human freedom based on Imago Dei. the social justice among human relationship. and the socio-cosmic peace in Biblical terms of Shalom. The Rev. Kim has been assured that any power group which is against the democratic participation of people in the decision~making processes in any country will force that country into an inevitable state of terror. distrust. and dictatorship. For him. so called on the perspective of the ideological critics. fighting for democracy. human right. and reunification of Korea against military powers of both North-South Korea must overcome both the present political systems of capitalism and communism. Although Christianity should not be Identify the Kingdom of God with any political ideology on earth, the responsible Church must grope for 'the Third Way' something like 'Democratic Socialism' in which the individual human freedom. the social justice, and international-ecological peace are realized in 'an approximate solution'(R. Niebuhr) of the unified Korea as a permanent neutral nation.


1. 들어가는 말

2. 해방정국 시기부터 한일굴욕외교 반대운동까지(1945-1965)

3. 삼선개헌 투쟁위원회와 민주수호 국민협의회를 중심한 참여적 정치신학 활동(1966-1973)

4. 북미체류 10년간 장공의 역사참여 신학운동(1974-1983)

5. 맺는말

