최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

[연구논문] 종교근본주의 담론과 젠더

  • 152

The surge of religious fundamentalism since the 19705 in culturally distinct areas of the globe has raised concern and interest among scholars and citizens. Religions of the world that have witnessed the rise of religious fundamentalism are as diverse as Algeria, Israel, the United States. Iran, India, and many other parts of Asia. While permeating all aspects of social life and organizations, fundamentalist movements have paid more attention to politics and family. In other words, these areas have been the main target of religious fundamentalist to reformulate and reorganize. Fundamentalist discourse revolves around three interconnected circles of faith, family and state. Patriarchy appears to be a feature common to fundamentalist religious movements in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and other sectarian religions. In the defense of "family value" the patriarchal family is equated with the family as such, and 'womanhood' is very often regarded as a profession, implicitly similar in its contours to the clergy or the army. Fundamentalists notion of the ideal society is inseparably linked to the notion of the ideal woman. Most fundamentalism discourses, either in the West or in the East, oppose gender equality for gender complementarity. In this paper, I elaborate these gender issues in religious fundamentalism, hoping that this will draw more attention to the significance of feminist studies of religion in the construction of women's studies discourse in Korea.


1. 들어가는 말

2. 근본주의의 개념적 패러다임 : 신앙 - 가정 - 국가

3. 가부장제적 이데올로기로서의 근본주의 담론

4. 나가는 말
