최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A New Dwarf Hibiscus Variety, “Hanyang” Suitable for Indoor Growing

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‘Hanyang (breeding number : Seoul 2)’ was selected in Seoul in 1997 and its open-pollinated progenies were proliferated at the Korea Forest Research Institute in Suwon, Gyeonggido. We made an investigation into testing for stability of the Genetic characteristics from 2001 to 2004. The progenies were managed with transplanting each year and 5 to 6 times of weeding. Leaves, flowers, branches, growth characteristics on selected trees were investigated. Results of morphological characteristics showed that Hanyang has Beaktanshim simple flower and open type of flower with funnel shape. The diameter of flower is 79.0 mm and very small compared with contrastive cultivar, ‘Beaktanshim’. The petal is slightly folded compared with contrastive cultivar and its eye zone is not spread. Leaf type is in oval shape, and leaf length and width are short (50.1 mm) and narrow (26.6 mm), respectively. Width of leaf shoulder is very wide compared with contrastive cultivar. Thickness of leaf, gloss of leaf and density of branch are medium. Quantity of bloom is in normal condition, and changes in the number of flowers by seasons are small and blossomed in summer. Hanyang, which has very small flowers, are taken as a good ornament.
