최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A New Oriental Lily “Saerona” with Strong Fragrance and Light Pink and White Color

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A new oriental lily “Saerona” was released by National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI), Rural Development Administration (RDA), in 2004. The cross was made in 1995 between oriental lily “Casa Blanca”, an outward-facing and white color, and “Almeria”, and outward-facing and pink color. The characteristics are investigated from 2002 to 2004 for the evaluation and selection of this variety. The flowering time of “Saerona” is the beginning of July, but it is possible to bloom during year-round by freezing of bulb at −1 to −2 degree. It has strong fragrance and pink and white petals. The width of flower is 17.3±0.9 cm. It has faster than the flowering time of “Casa Blanca”. A bulb of “Saerona” was 70 gram per and 18 cm in circumference. In the forcing culture, it is necessary to shade 30% in summer season for the inherent color. It is necessary to prevent Botrytis disease in wet season and to harvest after full bulb development.
