Based on the syntactic analysis of –kinun-clefts and –kesun-clefts, this paper presents a topography of Korean peripheries. These two types of Korean clefts are analyzed in a uniform way by being derived from focus movement followed by remnant topic movement. But, they differ in the syntactic positions into which each focus and topic moves; -kinun-clefts involve focus and topic positions that project on top of vPs, namely, vP-periphery, while –kesun-clefts reflect foci and topics that are located within CP-periphery. Such an analysis straightforwardly accounts for a variety of syntactic features of the two types of clefts, and furthermore, it offers a blueprint of a Korean peripheral structure. Overall, this study supports that the discourse information structure is mapped to the syntactic structure in an one-to-one fashion.
1. 서론
2. 배경적 논의
3. ‘-기는’ 분열문의 통사 분석: vP-외곽구조
4. ‘-것은’ 분열문의 통사 분석: CP-외곽구조
5. 결론