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KCI등재 학술저널

끔찍한 시인?: 프로스트의 공포 시편 읽기

“A Terrifying Poet”?: A Study on Robert Frost’s Fear Poems

  • 12

This essay examines the way “terrifying,” the term which Joseph Brodsky borrows from Lionel Trilling who used the word to describe Robert Frost during a birthday party for Frost contributes to reading and understanding Frost’s fear poems such as “Fear” or “Desert Places.” Several meanings of “terrifying” or anxiety are explored with help of traditional American rhetorics of “American Jeremiad” or “American Adam,” and Kant and Zizek’s some classical arguments on ‘sublime’ for this study. While “Fear” describes a “terrifying emptiness,” one aspect of ‘Juissance’ where a woman hears the repeated “nothing” from the darkness, “Desert Places” shows how a sublime moment, the other aspect of ‘Juissance’ can be possible in modern times “with no expression, nothing to express” through a similar process with Zizek’s “identification with symptoms.” This study provides how the peculiar place Frost occupies in modern poetry can be revealed and characterized through various configurations of “terrifying” or anxiety.
