최근 검색어 삭제
커버이미지 없음

Planting Plan for Flower Border based on the Flowering Period and Plant Height of Perennial Herbaceous Garden Plants in the Middle Part of Korea

This study was carried out to present basic planting plans for the flower borders which are flowering all year round in the middle part of Korea. Flowering periods and plant heights of herbaceous in Hantaek Botanical Garden, Mulhyanggi Arboretum, and Yonam College were investigated from 2013 to 2014. The number of species of perennial which were flowering more than one month was 387 species, 278 (71.8%) in Hantaek, 81 (20.9%) in Mulhyanggi, and 28 (7.2%) in Yonam. The number of species of white perennial was 85 (22.0%), yellow 79 (20.4%), purple 73 (18.9%), pink 72 (18.6%), blue 35 (9.0%), red 18 (4.7%), orange 18 (4.7%), and green 7 (1.8%). The number of species of perennial with large plant (above 120 cm) was 56 (14.5%), medium (60-120 cm) 99 (25.6%), and small (below 60 cm) 232 (59.9%). In order to propose the planting plan., 10 m x 3 m flower borders were derived from the reference and the photos taken on visits. The flowers of the perennials were grouped into eight groups based on flower color, and the six flower border layouts with colors of white, yellow, violet, pink, red & orange, and blue & green were presented. Each flower border was divided into 1 m × 1 m unit area and plants of same species were randomly placed in each unit area with large plants in the back, medium plants in the middle, and small plants toward the front of border. Each kind of perennial with different flowering period was arranged randomly to achieve continuous blooms throughout the year. Flower borders with white, yellow, purple and pink flowers are arranged facing the flower border with the same color on the opposite side of path.
