Construction and Management Plan of Constructed Wetland for Promoting Biodiversity
- 인간식물환경학회
- 인간식물환경학회지(JPPE)
- 제21권 제3호
- 2018.06
- 185 - 202 (18 pages)
This study was carried out to propose the creation and management method in the constructed wetland through the monitoring physical environments with different sizes, shapes, water depths, vegetation and fauna. The biota was investigated and analyzed according to the time series changes of the wetland that was classified by location type, depth of water, and surrounding environmental condition. As a result of the biota monitoring, the constructed wetlands surrounded by various ecosystems such as forests, agricultural lands, etc. had higher species diversity than other types of wetlands. However, the water surface area of the wetland with a shallow depth was decreased due to widening Phragmites communis, Typha orientalis, and naturally infused Leersia japonica. This resulted in a decrease in the number of wetland dependent species like dragonflies, rather than external habitat species like wild birds and butterflies. Therefore, in order to restore the wetland in the future, it is necessary to select the preferable location and maintain the water surface by controlling water depth. In terms of site selection, it is essential to select sites where natural ecosystems can come in contact with various ecosystems for the influx of species from the outside. Regarding the water depth, it is desirable to keep less than 1 m (0.1~0.5 m) for various vegetation distributions and at least 1~2 m to maintain the water surface. In addition, long-term monitoring and management are required for the self-sustaining of wetlands and various ecological functions. Based on this, management for water depth adjustment and inhibition of vegetation propagation should be necessary to maintain open water level.