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KCI등재 학술저널

임진왜란 이후 柳成龍과 그의 문인들의 의료 활동과 그 의미

Ryu Seong-Ryong (柳成龍) after Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, His Disciples(門人) medical Activities, and the Meaning

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이 글은 西厓 柳成龍(1542~1607)이 의학정보를 수집하고 의학서적을 간행한 것과 그의 문인들이 사설의료 기관인 存愛院 설립에 앞장선 사실을 설명하고 그 의미를 살펴본 것이다. 류성룡의 의학 지식의 축적은 친필 일기인 『柳成龍備忘記入大統曆』을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 이것은 1594년(선조 27)부터, 1596년, 1597년, 1604년, 1606년에 쓴 것으로, 내용 가운데 가장 많은 분량을 차지하는 것은 의학정보이다. 의학서적에서 참고한 정보, 의원과 주변에서 들은 정보, 본인의 경험방 등이 기록되어 있다. 류성룡이 축적한 의학 지식은 개인을 넘어 가족으로, 사회로, 문인에게로 확장되었다. 류성룡은 『醫學入門』을 참고하여 『醫學辨證指南』과 『鍼灸要訣』을 엮었다. 『의학변증지남』은 자제들이 부모를 섬길 때 사용하도록 만든 것이다. 『침경요결』은 약을 쉽게 구할 수 없는 민간에서 침으로 질병을 치료할 수 있도록 만든 것이다. 한편, 상주지역에는 임진왜란 직후 류성룡의 문인들이 주도하여 사설의료기관인 존애원을 설립하였다. 그곳은 주민이면 누구나 이용할 수 있었다. 의학서적의 간행과 존애원의 설치는 여러 의미가 함축되어있다. 첫째, 서애계의 학문적 특징을 설명할 수 있다. 류성룡과 그의 문인들은 학문의 심화보다는 사회적 실천에 무게 중심을 두었으며, 학문의 실용성을 강조했다. 둘째, 임진왜란 이후 피폐한 조선의 아래로부터의 재건에 기여한 점이다. 조선의 재건은 하나는 이념의 재정립이고, 또 하나는 삶의 문제를 해결하는 것이다. 이념적인 재건은 성리학적 가치를 사회저변으로 더욱 확대하여 이데올로기적 통합을 이룩하는 것이다. 삶의 문제는 굶주림과 질병으로부터 백성들을 구제하여 안정된 삶으로 이끌어 주는 것이다. 향촌사회의 안정은 곧 재지적 지주에 기반한 향촌사족의 안정으 로 이어지며, 이는 곧 조선사회 재건의 기여로 연결된다

Seae (西厓) Ryu Seong-ryong who was from Hahoi(河回), Andong has been considered showing his ability as an excellent prophet in the fields of politics, economy, the military, and the selection of fit persons for higher positions. He made his entrance into office when he was in his 20s and furthermore became a prime minister of the Joseon Dynasty, the highest office. And he wisely pushed through internal and external troubles of factional politics(朋黨) and Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. However, above all, Ryu Seong-ryong can be considered the person who utilized his experiences and knowledge(識見) in improve life of people who were suffering. He very much felt sorry for people who got hurt or had illnesses during Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. This attitude is shown in the facts that he was interested in medical knowledge including collecting and recording medical information and publishing medical books and tried to practice them socially. Ryu Seong-ryong s funds of medical knowledge can be found in 『Ryu Seong-ryong Bimanggiipdaetongryeok(柳成龍備忘記入大統曆)』, his auto graphic diary. This was written by him in 1594(The reign of Seonjo), 1596, 1597, 1604, and 1606. Medical information accounts for the largest quantity of the contents. Information which refers to medical books, information from clinics and people around him, and his treatment and prescription methods were recorded. Medical knowledge accumulated by Ryu Seong-ryong was expanded in his families, society, and disciples beyond individuals. Ryu Seong-ryong compiled 『Euhakbyeonjeungjinam(醫學辨證指南)』 and 『Chimgyeong yogy eol(鍼灸要訣)』 by referring to 『Introduction to medical science(醫學入門)』. 『Euhakbyeonjeungjinam』 was written by make sons and daught ers use it when taking care of their parents. 『Chimgyeongyogyeol』 was written to make civilians who cannot easily acquire drugs treat their diseases with acupuncture. Meanwhile, Ryu Seong-ryong s disciples established Jonaewon, the private medical institution in Sangju right after Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. Every resident could use that place. The publication of medical books and the installation of Jonaewon(存愛院) imply several meanings. First, they explain academic characteristics of the Seoae circle. Ryu Seong-ryong and his disciples focused on social practice rather than strengthening learning and emphasized practicality of learning. Second, they made a contribution to the reconstruction from below in the Joseon Dynasty which was devastated after Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. For the reconstruction of the Joseon Dynasty, one is the reestablishment of ideology and the other is to solve problems of life. The ideological reconstruction is to establish ideological unity by expanding the value of Neo-Confucianism in the base of society. The problems of life are to relieve the people from hunger and diseases and lead them to stable lives. The stabilization of rural society leads to the stabilization of distinguished families in rural society based on geographical landowners and is connected to the contribution to the reconstruction of the Joeson society.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 의학에 관심을 갖게 된 배경

Ⅲ. 의학 정보의 수집과 의학서적의 저술

1) 의학정보의 수집

2) 의학서적의 저술

Ⅳ. 상주지역 문인들의 存愛院 설립 주도

Ⅴ. 맺음말
