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KCI등재 학술저널

영남대학교 중앙도서관 동빈문고 소장 구결 자료에 대하여

The study of Gugyeol materials housed at the Central Library, Dongbin Library, at Yeoungnam University

  • 9

이 글은 영남대학교 중앙도서관 동빈문고에 소장된 구결 문헌 『금강경계청』, 『대혜보각선사서』, 『묘법연화경』, 『불조역대통재』, 『육조대사법보단경』, 『치문경훈』을 면밀히 검토하여 문헌에 기입된 구결 자형과 결합유형을 분석하고, 이를 통해 영남대학교 중앙도서관 동빈문고에 소장되어 있는 구결 문헌의 특징을 밝힌 것이다. 동빈문고 소장 구결 문헌에 기입된 구결의 자형 개수는 『금강경계청』이 55개, 『대혜보각선사서』가 54개, 『묘법연화경』이 78개, 『불조역대통재』가 56개, 『육조법보단경』이 62개, 『치문경훈』이 61개였으며, 결합유형의 개수는 『금강경계청』이 126개, 『대혜보각선사서』가 266개, 『묘법연화경』이 806개, 『불조역대통재』가 111개, 『육조대사법보단경』이 201개, 『치문경훈』이 295개였다.

This study aims to closely review literature on Gugyeol housed at the central library, Dongbin Library, at Yeoungnam University; 『Geumganggyeong-gaecheong』, 『Daehye-bogak-seonsaseo』, 『Myobeob-yeonhwa-gyeong』, 『Buljo-yeokdae-tongjae』, 『Yukjodaesa-beopbodangyeong』, 『Chimun-gyeonghun』 and analyze the Gugyeol letter types and combined patterns found in the literature. This paper helps to prove the features of Gugyeol literature housed at the central library, Dongbin Library, at Yeoungnam University. The results of this study are as follows: First, the number of Gugyeol letter type found in Gugyeol literature housed in Dongbin Library is 55 letter types in 『Geumganggyeong-gaecheong』, 54 letter types in 『Daehye-bogak-seonsaseo』, 78 letter types 『Myobeob-yeonhwa-gyeong』, 56 letter types in 『Buljo-yeokdae-tongjae』, 62 letter types in 『Yukjodaesa-beopbodangyeong』, 61 letter types in 『Chimun-gyeonghun』. Second, the number of combined patterns showed in Gugyeol literature housed in Dongbin Library is 126 combined patterns in 『Geumgang gyeong-gaecheong』, 266 combined patterns in 『Daehyebogakseonsaseo』, 806 combined patterns in 『Myobeob-yeonhwa-gyeong』, 111 combined patterns in 『Buljo-yeokdae-tongjae』, 201 combined patterns in『Yukjo daesa-beopbodangyeong』, 295 combined patterns in 『Chimun-gyeonghun』. Third, Gugyeol types showed in each literature are divided into five types and analyzed; (1) basic letter and abbreviations used together (2) different letter types by parts which follow in the same basic letter, (3) the abbreviations of the same basic letter which turns into the various different types, (4) written in more than two different types marked in the same sound, (5) the shapes of the letter type are the same, but the different marked sound with the basic letter. Fourth, the omitted letter types in the existing discussion and joint form were found out and compared with the original literature. Fifth, this described the features of Gugyeol literature housed in Dongbin Library.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 자형 및 결합유형 검토

Ⅲ. 구결의 특징

Ⅳ. 결론


