The Analyses of the Current Needs and Demands of the Migrants in Korea: with Special Reference to Communication, Education and Culture
- 서울대학교 교육종합연구원
- The SNU Journal of Education Research
- Vol.22
- : KCI등재
- 2013.12
- 91 - 114 (24 pages)
The current study examined the difficulties in communication and Korean language acquisition experienced by migrant women in Korea along with problems that they face in the areas of education and culture. A survey was conducted and a total of 101 individuals (4 males and 97 females) participated in the study. However, 4 males were excluded for the current analysis. According to the results, one of the most difficult issues of being migrant women in Korea, most of whom were marriage migrants, was communication. Consequently, the demands for Korean language education and bilingual education support programs were found to be high among this population. They were also highly interested in their children’s education. Finally, the study will discuss the specific needs of this population based on the survey results in an attempt to resolve the identified difficulties such as communication, language barriers, education and cultural problems. This calls for the development and improvement of human rights programs that are more reachable and culturally-relevant.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Demographics of Survey Participants
Ⅲ. Problems Regarding Communication and Korean Language Acquisition
Ⅳ. Problems Faced by Immigrants in the Areas of Education and Culture
Ⅴ. Conclusion