최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

해상보험 클레임의 면책위험에 관한 고찰

A Stuay on the Risks Excluded of Marine Insurance Claims

  • 6

This paper examined excluded risks of insurer in marine insurance generally, and found out the existing studies on the excluded risks, which were accomplished partially and fragmentarily, to conduct a comparative analysis of marine insurance based on the general flow of claim adjustment. It arranges the existing studies to settle a dispute between the parties -insurer and assurer- and studies the excluded risk based on risk change of the insured by analyzing characteristic and class of security violation, and meaning, form, effect of risk change, it inquires into and analysis cases of the Korean Supreme Court related to the exclusion and illegal act of marine insurance to compare marine theorists opinion with commercial law.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 해상보험 클레임 제기 시 보험자의 면책

Ⅲ. 피보험자의 담보위반 및 위험변경

Ⅳ. 보험자 면책위험에 관한 판례분석

Ⅴ. 결론


