최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국의 섭외 및 외국중재판정 강제집행제도 연구

A Study on Enforcement of Foreign-related and Foreign Arbitral Awards in China

  • 13

In China, as far as the enforcement of the award is concerned, a three-pronged regime exists : each for domestic, foreign-related and foreign awards. As opposed to domestic awards, foreign-related awards are defined as those involving foreign-element. Among them, this article focuses on the enforcement regimes of foreign-related and foreign arbitral award, and strives to provide a practical outlook of the arbitral award enforcement regime in China. For that, this article consists of five chapters. In chapter Ⅰ, the purpose and scope of this study are mentioned; In Chapter Ⅱ, the types, the statutory framework, the related measures, the statistical assessment on enforcement of arbitral awards are addressed. Chapter Ⅲ points out some issues on the enforcement regimes of foreign-related and foreign arbitral awards, with focus paid to the recognition of foreign-related arbitral awards, the substantive judicial review of foreign-related arbitral awards, and the refusal of enforcement with the social and public interest ground. Chapter Ⅵ introduces two non-enforcement cases of foreign-related and foreign arbitral awards. Lastly in chapter Ⅴ, the author makes a proposal to improve the enforcement regime in China. Although China already obtained a certain level of achievement, she still need to be undertaken by the government and judicial authorities to offset the negative effects of some obstacles to hamper the enforcement such as protectionism so that she may create a more favorable arbitration environment.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 중국의 중재판정 강제집행제도 개관

Ⅲ. 중국의 섭외 및 외국중재판정 강제집행의 문제점

Ⅳ. 중국의 섭외 및 외국중재판정의 강제집행 거부 사례

Ⅴ. 맺음말


