To promote the way of resolving the increasing disputes regarding international intellectual property by arbitration, we should overcome uncertainty thwarting the dispute resolution; i.e., whether a dispute regarding intellectual property would be an arbitrable subject, whether the arbitration agreement would be valid and enforceable, and whether the arbitral award could be recognized and enforced in a foreign country. This article is intended to seek how to promote and facilitate the resolution of international disputes regarding intellectual property by arbitration. This article in Chapter Ⅱ will examine the characteristics of the IP disputes first. Chapter Ⅲ of this article will study arbitrability of IP disputes. Then, Chapter Ⅳ will discuss the requirements, validity, and effectiveness of arbitration agreement of international IP disputes. The author will discuss the procedure of arbitration of the international IP disputes in Chapter Ⅴ, and finally the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards thereon in Chapter Ⅵ. Due to the so called territoriality principle in intellectual property, the international disputes thereof confront numerous procedural setbacks, e.g., jurisdiction, conflict of laws, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments or awards. To overcome such setbacks, I propose resolution of international IP disputes by one-step arbitration procedure through widely recognizing the arbitrability of IP disputes, and utilizing unnational nature of arbitration. In addition, I propose to set up the principles as to arbitration of the international IP disputes as the American Law Institute has formulated the principles for International Intellectual Property Litigations. By setting up these principles, I am certain it will be helpful to just and prompt resolution of international IP disputes which occur more frequently these days.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 지적재산분쟁의 특징
Ⅲ. 국제지적재산분쟁의 중재적격성
Ⅳ. 국제지적재산분쟁의 중재합의
Ⅴ. 국제지적재산분쟁의 중재절차
Ⅵ. 국제지적재산분쟁 중재판정의 승인·집행
Ⅶ. 결론 - 지적재산분쟁의 중재에 관한 원칙제정의 필요성