최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중재계약의 법적 효력에 관한 연구

A Study on The Legal Effect of Arbitration Agreement

  • 19

That occur in international trade disputes between the parties without resorting to a court trial on the basis of principle of government by the parties to resolve the dispute resolution in general (Alternative Disputes Resolution: ADR) agreed to, reconciliation, coordination, mediation and other methods are. Here, unlike arbitration and other dispute resolution arbitrator, the court confirmed the arbitration award came from the judge and the same shall become effective in doing international commerce dispute resolution methods are widely used. Arbitration Agreement is a contractual dispute, regardless of whether a certain law there arise about the relationship between the parties, Currently exists, future conflicts can arise in whole or in part by the arbitration agreement is to be resolved. Arbitration agreement include: the effects of out of contract arbitration proceedings, the court does not want the progress of the dispute referred to arbitration proceedings to the effect, and the presence of the parties to the arbitration agreement does not claim to knowing the defense plea that Appeals ticket of destruction that have the effect of demurrer, that the arbitration agreement are rebuttal to the rebuttal of prozesshindernde Einrede and the mediation of a plea on the merits when the first defense must be submitted to the arbitration proceedings in which the applicant until the arbitration award determined that the property dispute to court for water conservation measures to dispose of the watch was in effect for arbitration in the contract. In addition, the arbitration agreement and the court sentenced the same kinds of effects that resolved the final effect, especially at the same time the effect of foreign recognition and enforcement of the decision regarding the New York Convention arbitration award based on the recognition and enforcement of domestic and international effects are being recognized. Consequently, the arbitration agreement to take effect a valid arbitration agreement exists is determined by whether or not staying. Therefore, agreements between individual university entrance exams based on the company signed a contract regarding the effect of arbitration first, associated with individual university entrance exams, and the leading research and analysis, review, and examine the general concept of the arbitration agreement after the arbitration agreement between the parties focuses on information about the effects of study to contribute to the activation of the arbitration system is aimed at the individual university entrance exams.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 중재계약의 유형 및 요건

Ⅲ. 중재계약의 효력

Ⅳ. 결론


