최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

A study on the physical activity issues in asthmatic children and it s significance to school education

Asthma and physical activity in children are major health issues. The incidence and prevalence of asthma have increased considerably over the last few decades, particularly for children. And the level of physical inactivity in children has also increased in the worldwide. Therefore, the burden on health services from asthma and physical activity are extensive and increasing now. Physical activity is important. It has <<an사제>> advantages for children in terms of skeletal development, improve cardiorespiratory fitness, lowered body fat and elevated self-esteem. Of course, physical activity is also very important for children with asthma. But there seem to be a common perception that asthmatic children have reduced an exercise capacity and have been discouraged from physical activity. We are afraid that many children and young people with asthma believe the limitations on their activity are an inevitable part of having asthma. This paper presents a review of the literature in which habitual physical activity and fitness levels including obesity and investigate of 2007 KYRBS(Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey) in order to provide an overview of evidence and argument in this issue, and inform decisions about the future direction of empirical studies and therefore help to making systems/or programs for them.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Asthma in childhood

Ⅲ. Prevalence and patterns of physical activity in asthmatic children

Ⅳ. Barriers to physical activity in asthmatic children

Ⅴ. Physical fitness and obesity in asthmatic children

Ⅵ. Conclusion
