Art Education and Art Museums: Visitors’ Learning
- 서울대학교 교육종합연구원
- The SNU Journal of Education Research
- Vol.17
- : KCI등재
- 2008.12
- 135 - 158 (24 pages)
Art museums today have the opportunity to push the traditional museum paradigm to enable a broader approach to postmodern society. Since diverse visual images permeate through this society, traditional art museum communication approaches are no longer suitable. Artworks displayed in art museums not only suggest a single meaning, but produce multiple meanings in communicating with the public. The function of the art museum as a communicator demands new ways of thinking about issues of knowledge, power, identity, and language. This paper investigates communication methods and processes in art museums. Visitors in art museums are examined by focusing on the learning process. The conversation between visitors and art museums is discussed in order to understand how the meanings of artworks in art museums are constructed. Additionally, this study investigated the processes and aspects of diverse media that can be used in the exhibition spaces in art museums.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Background of Modern Art Museums and Communication
Ⅲ. Learners’ Communication with Artworks in Art Museums
Ⅳ. Interpretation and Understanding in Art Museums: Producing Contextual Knowledge
Ⅴ. Conclusion