The Multiple Aspects and Issues of Sport Education in Korea
- 서울대학교 교육종합연구원
- The SNU Journal of Education Research
- Vol.16
- : KCI등재
- 2007.12
- 107 - 128 (22 pages)
There has been a great degree of success in the area of sports in Korea since the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. Every aspect of sports has shown an improvement. Sport participants have increased by several times. Sport facilities are abundant in cities. It seems that the future of sports in Korea looks rosy. However, there still are important issues in some aspects that should be brought up and resolved. In this paper, the issues around Sport Education are critically analyzed and reflected on. Sport Education refers to the teaching and learning of physical activity in such diverse areas as schools, leisure centers, and competitive arenas. First, some current issues of School Physical Education are described, and some challenges are identified such as the conflict against health/dance education. Second, two contradictory phenomena in Leisure Sport Education are explained with some issues of low status and instructor quality. Third, and lastly, important issues in Elite Sport Education are scrutinized.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Multiple Aspects and Issues of SPE
Ⅲ. The Multiple Aspects and Issues of Leisure SE
Ⅳ. The Multiple Aspects and Issues of Elite SE
Ⅴ. Conclusions