Literature and the Formation of Eco-environmental Mind
- 서울대학교 교육종합연구원
- The SNU Journal of Education Research
- Vol.13
- : KCI등재
- 2004.12
- 149 - 182 (34 pages)
One of the most important issues in this age is how to live and carry on life harmonized with human being and his environment. In this paper, I tried to find out the way in literary education, because I think that it is the human being itself that the main factor to bring out the environmental issues. Without human being, any environmental issues would have not brought out. Logically saying, human being on the earth, they are the main source of environmental issues. The presupposition of this paper is that the only way to live long together with environment, it is to change the human mind. Through literature, especially poetic education, we can find out the way to live long with environment. Literature, especially poetries have great forces to change human mind in all directions, feeling, emotion, reason, and moral sense. Some Korean modern poetries are cited as examples. Many Korean poets configurated environmental mind and the readers of them moved by heart deeply. And in this paper I considered the poetry as teaching materials and evaluated as the educational materials. For the formation of environmental mind, we must teach the literature for the students. The reading process of literature is also the way to prepare environmental ethics for the future of human being and the earth.
Ⅰ Literature and the Ecological Imagination
Ⅱ Literature and Ecological Perspectives
Ⅲ Literary Interests for the Ecosystem of the World
Ⅳ Literature and the Formation of Life-ethics
Ⅴ Literature as the Practices of Life-ethics
Appendix: The original texts cited in the body(KOREAN)