최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Civil Disobedience and Democratic Citizenship in Korea

Based on the assumption that civic organizations may work as the most effective institution for non-schooling citizenship education for adults, this paper examines whether and how much Korean civic groups have played a constructive role in building citizen capacity to participate responsibly and effectively in democratic politics. Its conclusion is that Korean civic groups` decision to disobey the election law decreased rather than increased a capacity for responsible citizenship.

I. Introduction

II. Voluntar y Organization s a n d Citizenship Education

III. General Characteristics of the Korean Non-governmental Organizations

IV. General Election and Civic Groups Decision to Disobey

V. Evaluation of the Civic Movement: Implications for Citizenship Education for Adults.

VI. Conclusion

