최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

2015개정교육과정 『고등학교 일본어 1 』교과서의 말하기 활동 고찰

Analysis of Speaking Activities in High School Textbooks for 『Japanese I 』 in 2015Revised Curriculum - Focusing on Preciseness and Fluency -

  • 69

The present study analyzes eight high school textbooks for “Japanese I” based on 2015 Revised Curriculum in order to classify speaking activities in terms of teachergoverned teaching and learner-led teaching with respect to preciseness and fluency. Out of overall 1,103 activities found in the eight textbooks, 419 speaking activities account for 38 percent, but the percentage of each text varies considerably, raging from 27.2 percent to 65 percent. The percentage of learner-led speaking activities ranges from 11 percent to 45 percent depending on textbooks, and it is possible that learner-centered speaking activities are hardly conducted based on the textbook adopted at each school. There are only 11 fluency-focused speaking activities, and most of activities focus on preciseness. In 2015 Revised Curriculum, the communicative ability, a core factor based on language content, is emphasized, but the contents of textbooks present preciseness-focused speaking activities. “Japanese I” is a subject for those who study the language for the first time, which provides the learners with the basic ocabulary and constructions. The subject is thus not commensurate with fluentfocused speaking activities. Still, since textbooks are supposed to offer various activities to enhance the learners’ preciseness and fluency of Japanese, they are expected to present fluency-focused speaking activities at the beginner stage. Moreover, consideration of the learners’ ability of Japanese would necessitate the development of meaningful practices for sentence patterns (listening and responding, game activity) and practices for communicative interaction (constrained dialogue) at various scenes.

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3. 일본어1 교과서의 말하기 활동 분석

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