최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

다양화하는 일본어 학습자의 니즈를 반영한 작문 수업 실천

Towards Learners’ Need-oriented, Effective Teaching of Japanese Composition Writing

  • 23

The aim of the present work is to seek for effective teaching of Japanese composition writing which reflects learners’ needs. Previously, the class of Japanese composition writing mainly consisted of sentence pattern practices using short sentences and composition writing based on a given theme and a model discourse. Our survey, however, reveals that the learners want to write about topics closely related to their daily lives, such as “mobile phone messages,” “e-mails,” “self‐introduction,” “documents for job hunting,” “essays,” and “blogs.” In this paper, we reportour teaching which reflected these needs of the learners and took into consideration the relation between writers and readers and the choice of styles depending on formality. In particular, we focus on the composition of opinion sentences; we found that the learners wanted to write about their own experiences, their familiar topics, and social issues which have recently been hotly debated. Such teaching practices serve as a practical means of encouraging the learners to construct knowledge on their own and arousing their interest in composition writing.

1. 들어가기

2. 선행연구 검토 및 문제 제기

3. 기존의 일본어작문 교재 분석

4. 학습자 니즈 분석

5. 학습자 니즈를 반영한 수업 실천 및 평가

6. 나오기
