최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

근대 한일 양국의 자순도치 한자어의 비교 연구

A Contrastive Study on the Early-Modern Sino-Japanese/Korean Words with Reversed Letters Using Parallel Corpora

  • 71

Since the end of 19th Century, a number of new words have been adapted through vocabulary interactions and they have been altered in competition with the existing words. One important topic in the analysis of contemporary Japanese and Korean is to explore this process. One such example is the character-order inverted pair of AB and BA that exhibit similar meanings. It has been unknown, however, what character-order inverted pairs exist in the two languages and through what process they have been established in the vocabulary. In this article, we present a preliminary survey by revealing the occurrence tendency of character-order inverted pairs attested in a Japanese-Korean parallel corpora, classifying data in terms of the presence of examples found in the period after the end of 19th Century, and investigating their meanings. The result is as follows. Firstly, the occurrence patterns of AB and BA in Japanese and Korean had incorporated the Sino-Japanese/Korean Words with reversed letters from Chinese in 1860 and before. Secondly, most cases of Sino-Japanese/Korean Words which display neither AB nor BA in 1860 and before do not have counterparts in the classic Chinese literature. Thirdly, not many examples are attested which exhibit only distinct patterns in Japanese and Korean in 1860 and before. Finally, more instances of Sino-Japanese/Korean Words with reversed letters are attested in Korean than in Japanese

1. 시작하며

2. 선행연구

3. 조사자료와 조사방법

4. 한일 자순도치 한자어의 병렬코퍼스 출현 유형

5. 1860년 이전의 한자어 수용 현황

- 출처와의 관점을 포함하여

6. 마치며
