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KCI등재 학술저널

카타스트로피와 마주하는 소설적 패러다임에 대한 연구

A Study on the Face of Catastrophe and Acclaimed Novel Paradigm - Comparative Literature on the Approach of Kenzaburo Oeand Haruki Murakami -‐

  • 19

Texts by Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami, who came across Catastrophe and approached it again with literary imagination are a very interesting subject in that they contain the potential to create vectors which expand the boundaries of the fictional world and the real world, enabling the complementation of the two worlds. To face Catastrophe, they brought non daily life to daily life by breaking up the text‐building method that they had contrived themselves. Further, personal paradigm shift of the text‐building method implies the possibility of acting as a means of breaking a framework of contradictions of a real country or community. If so, their texts can be assessed as a classic over generations, and it is worth a new study. In view of these values, the study considered these texts in terms of social meaning change of Catastrophe and the paradigm of text‐building adapted to the New Era Environment. As a result, I was able to elicit a critical idea that we should actively attach meaning to the destruction of daily life and the new establishment of nondaily life caused by catastrophe. Base on this, I tried to create a new shared space called ‘Catastrophe Literature’ in the field of cultural studies by associating the response to the fiction world in charge of catastrophe with discourse on the textbuilding method of Oe and Haruki.

1. 들어가며

2. 카타스트로피와 마주하는 ‘소설(텍스트)’

3. 지금 왜?

- 카타스트로피와 마주하는 오에의 텍스트 구축방식

4. 지금이야말로

- 카타스트로피와 마주하는 하루키의 텍스트 구축방식

5. 나가며
