밀의 개화시기 유전자와 개화시기 경로
Flowering-time Genes and Flowering-time Pathways in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.51 No.2
- : KCI등재
- 2019.06
- 65 - 72 (8 pages)
One of the most important events in the regulation of plant development is the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase. The precise control of this transition, which has a profound effect on grain production in annual temperate cereals such as wheat and barley, is determined mainly by seasonal changes in day length (photoperiod) and by winter-like temperatures (vernalization). Recent molecular and genetic analyses in wheat have revealed the molecular mechanisms underlying flowering responses of wheat to changes in photoperiod and cold temperature. Here, we describe genes related to vernalization, photoperiod, and earliness per se (eps), and the molecular mechanism regulating flowering time through vernalization and photoperiod genes in wheat.
서 언
밀 개화시기의 유전학적 조절
춘화처리 유전자(vernalization gene)
광주기 유전자(photoperiod gene)
Earliness per se 유전자(eps gene)
밀의 개화시기 조절 기작
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