이 글은, 懶隱李東標(1644~1700)의 문집인 『난은선생문집』과 역사서에 실린 여러 글들을 부연하여 그의 삶을 조명하고 그가 남긴 정신적 유산을 살펴보았다. 먼저 이동표의 호 ‘난은(懶隱)’이 가진 의미와 ‘나(懶)’를 ‘란’으로 읽어야 하는 이유에 대해 분석함으로써 그가 어떤 삶을 지향했는지 알아보았다. 이동표는 40세가 되어서야 대과에 급제하고 사환을 시작하였는데, 사환 초반에는 노론 집정자들에 의해 낮은 관직에 임용되며 홀대받다가 기사환국 이후 남인이 정권을 잡으면서 본격적인 관직생활을 시작하였다. 인현왕후의 폐위를 반대하며 올린 「사헌납소」는 목숨을 담보로 한 상소로, 그의 강직한 면모를 알게 해주는 글이다. 이조좌랑으로 재직하던 49세 때 오시복의 통청을 거절하고 귀향하였는데, 이 일화를 통해 그에게 ‘소퇴계’라는 명칭이 부여되었다. 이후 관직생활과 귀향을 반복하다가 57세이던 1700년에 별세하였다. 사후 이조판서에 증직되었고, ‘충간(忠諫)’이라는 시호를 받았다.
This paper explores Naneun Lee Dongpyo’s life and his spiritual heritages by examining his writings in his collection of works as well as in several historical records. At first, it analyses the reason that ‘na(懶)’ should be read as ‘lan’ and its meaning to suggest his life orientation. He passed higher examination at his age of forty which was late compared to ordinary cases. However, it was after the political shifts in 1689 (己巳換局) that he rightly began his began his career as a government official. He submitted a memorial of resignation from third censor (辭獻納疏) at risk of his life to oppose the dethronement of Queen Inhyeon which showed his uprightness. He retired from government post of an assistant section chief of the ministry of personnel (吏曹佐郞) at his age of forty nine when requested to offer his services for Oh Sibok. That gave him a nick name of little Toegye (小退溪). Since then, he repeated to enter government service and to return to his native place until he died in 1700 at his age of fifty seven. After his death the title of mister of personnel was posthumously conferred upon him and also the posthumous title of Chung-gan (忠諫) was granted to him.
Ⅰ. 서언(序言)
Ⅱ. 난은 선생의 삶
Ⅲ. 결언