최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Principle of Confidentiality in Arbitration: A Necessary Crisis

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Confidentiality has always been considered one of the most important aspects of arbitral proceedings and until recently a principle that could never be ignored. However, under the shadow of the increasing number of arbitral cases in which States are involved, there has recently been a tendency towards publicity, not only in investment protection arbitrations but also in commercial arbitrations. That said, many questions arise: in the event of a conflict between confidentiality and publicity, which should prevail? What role does the arbitrator play in this conflict? Does confidentiality provide more benefits than harm.

I. Introduction to Confidentiality in Arbitration

II. Historical Evolution of the Principle of Confidentiality

III. Commercial vs. Investment Arbitration

IV. Confidentiality in Different Systems

V. The Appropriateness of Confidentiality and its Potential Risks
