Organizations have traditionally been established and managed by men. As more women enter organizations, a new kind of conflict occurs at work owing to differences between men and women. Conflict can generate positive outcomes if managed properly; thus, this study outlines the causes of creating conflicts between men and women and considers whether ADR is applicable and useful at work. As ADR offers a means of bringing workplace justice at lower cost and with speed, it can serve as an effective way of resolving conflicts between men and women at work. In order to use ADR as a method of resolving conflict between men and women, I suggest reinforcing the function of a grievance committee in a company and cultivating an ADR specialist.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 양성평등 및 갈등
Ⅲ. 남녀갈등원인
Ⅳ. 갈등관리와 ADR
Ⅴ. 결 론