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KCI등재 학술저널

南北朝 時代 『古畵品錄』의 회화비평사적 의의

The significance of art criticism on Guhuapinlu(古畵品錄) in Northern and Southern Dynasties

  • 68

Xie He(謝赫, active around about 490-530) proposed Six principles of Chinese painting by describing Guhuapinlu(古畵品錄), described the criteria of painting creation and the critical point of view by commenting for the work propensity of painter. Huapin(畵品) is “the piece of work which was directly influenced by the social trend of prevalent character criticism” at that time. Especially, Liupin of Xie He is considered to be “the small edition of 9 Pinfa(九品法) since the era of Han dynasty. Pin(品) has the meaning that the taste is commented, eventually, it reflected the aesthetic taste at that time by showing the systematized, structured aspect since the trend of character criticism influences to the territory of each art of poem, writing and painting, etc. Xie He’s Guhuapinlu can be divided into the preface part handling Six principles of Chinese painting and the part of Liupin(六品) that applies the criteria of criticism. It is evident Six principles of Chinese painting by Xie He is the principle arranging the aesthetic effect systematically appeared in the criteria of painting creation and the screen that have been applied universally at that time. However, the point of criticism of Xie He is influenced significantly in the point of criticism of Gu Kaizhi (顧愷之). Nevertheless, if Gu Kaizhi focuses on the pursuit of the essence of the objects, namely the pursuit of essence of object, Xie He expanded the point of criticism placing the side dot in the concrete method for the pursuit of essence of object and the pursuit of personality of artist. In conclusion, Xie He systematized and proposed the principle of painting creation that has been applied universally at that time from the stance of a portrait painter. Also, his Guhuapinlu is meaningful in that he arranged the criteria of painting criticism through this, emphasized the existence of new intent/new meaning that the painter aims as the final purpose, and suggested the view of Aesthetics at that time with the various critic words.

Ⅰ. 序論

Ⅱ. 謝赫의 『古畵品錄』과 ‘品’

Ⅲ. 『古畵品錄』비평관점의 유래 및 적용

Ⅳ. 『古畵品錄』의 회화비평사적 의의

Ⅴ. 結論


