최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

保甲의 동아시아 : 20세기 전반 대만·만주국·중국의 기층행정조직 재편과 그 의미

Baojia of East Asia: Reorganization of substratum administration in Taiwan, Manchuria and China in the early 20th Century

DOI : 10.46823/cahs.2018.47.93
  • 442

As a mutual surveillance system in Qing China, baojia system used to be a channel with which state could mobilize local society’s manpower and various resources. modern states in East Asia also had tried to reorganize baojia system on the same purpose. But compared with Taiwan Sotokufu’s success in reorganization, Manchuria’s performance was half-success at best, and Republican China’s was just a failure. The ‘innovated baojia’ in colonial Taiwan was innovative in three ways: First, ‘innovated baojia’ enabled police organization to surveil and lead the baojia system. Second, Taiwan Sotokufu could successfully changed local elites into domesticated collaborators. Third, Taiwan Sotokufu even enlarged the role of baojia, from police assistance organization to general administration assistance organization, and this transition were greatly helpful in improving government efficiency. But in Manchuria and especially in Republican China, the state could not afford to locate enough police power. It was police power that divided the fate of baojia system in each region. Then, was the baojia system in colonial Taiwan really modeled on Qing China s traditional baojia like Goto Simpei said? The baojia system in colonial Taiwan was similar to mura(村) in early modern Japan, rather than traditional baojia in various ways.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 原型: 淸代 보갑제의 개관

Ⅲ. 革新: 대만총독부의 보갑제 재편과 정착

Ⅳ. 逆輸入: 만주국의 보갑제 도입과 ‘절반의 성공’

Ⅴ. 復活: 남경국민정부의 보갑제 재건과 좌절

Ⅵ. 맺음말


