This paper sets out a multi-dimensional approach that parties drafting a “hybrid clause” for their arbitration agreement can adopt, for purposes of maximizing enforceability, taking into account the multi-jurisdictional interplay between the seat Court, the governing law and the enforcement Court(s), as well as mandatory rules that can be present in the lex arbitrii, the governing law, and/or the law of the enforcement for a. This paper draws on both the co-authors’ practice experience, as well as first principles of party autonomy in light of mandatory rules, based predominantly on the scholarship of Briggs and Nygh.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Recent Hybrid Clause Cases
Ⅳ. Hybrid Clauses: An Interplay of 5 Fundamental Considerations
Ⅴ. Conclusion