최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Navigating the Digital Maze - Pertinent Issues in E‐Arbitration

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Legal tech is commonly considered as the use of software and technology in the process of providing legal services. It is disrupting the method in which legal services are traditionally rendered, and under the buzz word “e‐arbitration” also extends to the area of international commercial arbitration. This article aims to give an introduction into the most pertinent issues in “e‐arbitration”, starting with an attempt at defining the term “e‐arbitration” and with an overview of some of the service providers. It goes on to address the use of information technology in international arbitration and concludes with an analysis of key legal issues arising when various aspects of the arbitral process are commenced, conducted or concluded in digital form.

Ⅰ. What is E-arbitration?

Ⅱ. How is Technology used in Arbitration?

Ⅲ. What are the Key Legal Issues in E-arbitration?

Ⅳ. Conclusion
