최근 검색어 전체 삭제

스타트 블록에서 좌 우측발의 위치에 따른 출발동작 분석

The analysis of starting position following the pushing foot in the start block

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This study takes novice players with 2-3 years` experience as the subject, and gets the results of analysing the progress displacement of the mass center of the body following the position of a pushing foot in the start block until the section of the fifth step with upper shoulder completely standing in the start block, speed components of the minimum angle of high joint and thigh center, as follows. 1. The advancement of mass center and the displacement of vertical line differs regardless of the conditions of position of feet. The subject A showed bigger displacement of section in the condition of the left foot behind than that of right foot behind. The subject B showed the opposite of A, and the subject C and D showed similar change in condition. 2. The speed of the body center showed irregularity over all. The speed of the moment of taking the first step was fast in the condition that the subject A, B, D put their foot behind the start block. 3. The section-moving time of the gravity center of the body showed remarkably faster time to pass section with the right foot behind than the left foot behind. The subject B showed the opposite to A, but the time go up between the two was slight C and D did not show big difference following the condition of foot position. 4. It is A, B, D who showed smaller angle(the minimum angle of the high joint in each section) with the left foot behind in the start block. There were irregular change in the section from the second to fifth step. 5. Players with short experience did not make difference in the vertical displacement of mass gravity center, the height of the knee, the length of step and the angle of high, according to the position of feet in the start block.
