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KCI등재 학술저널

藏書閣 소장 滿漢合璧文書의 滿洲語 轉寫

Transliteration on Manchu-Chinese Character’s Old Documents(滿漢合璧文書) in Jangseogak Library

DOI : 10.31408/tdicr.2019.42.227
  • 40

Presently, 7 Manchu-Chinese character’s old documents(滿漢合璧文書) are owned by Academy of Korean Studies Jangseogak. Manch-Chinese character’s old documents means a document where Manchu language and Chinese characters appear at the same time. These 7 documents are 3 Eemper’s Command(誥命), 1 Eemper’s Instruction(諭書), and 3 Inventory(禮物單子). That is, there are 2 documents sent as Gangyije(康熙帝) of Qing(淸) installed Yeoningung(延礽君) Geum(昑) as crown prince(王世弟) and 3 documents which Ongjeongje(雍正帝) sent while installing Yeoningunggeum as the king of Joseon(朝鮮國王). Also, there are 2 documents which Ongjeongje sent while installing Gyeonguigun heng(敬義君 緈) as crown prince(王世子). This research investigated the relation among Bibliographic data(書誌事項), Mark(標題), Five colors(五方色), Dragon’s design(雲龍紋), Eemper’s seal(御 寶), started words(起頭語), Manchu language and Chinese characters in respect of these 7 documents. Mark was described same as the main text, Manchu language on the left, and Chinese characters on the right. Five colors was in order of ‘yellow(黃)-white(白)-black(黑)-blue(靑)-red(赤)’ from the left, Manchu language was narrated on the background of yellow, and Chinese characters on the background of red. Regarding Dragon’s design, in case of Eemper’s Command, painted with various colours, however in case of Eemper’s Instruction(諭書) and Inventory(禮物單子), only black was used. In respect of Eemper’s seal(御寶), same as the main text, Manchu language was used on the left, while Chinese characters on the right. In Eemper’s Command, [Jegojibo(制誥之寶)] was sealed, while [Chikmyungjibo(勅命之寶)] was sealed in Eemper’s Command and Inventory. It was confirmed that started words of Eemper’s Command(誥命), was imitation of the institution of Ming(明), not of Yuan(元). Also, it was confirmed that Manchu language in the main text of the document was mostly easily narrated and composed excluding proper nouns, compared to Chinese characters. This research introduced Manchu language in Latin language by transliteration, considering that Manchu-Chinese character’s old documents(滿 漢合璧文書) in Jangseogak Library was written in Manchu language and Chinese characters. For this, above all, this research conducted transliteration on the main text of Manchu language along with the number of lines of the original copy, and suggested Chinese characters by attaching Mark(標點). Since Manchu language and Chinese characters expressed the same content in different languages, it is possible to correlate the Chinese translation of Manchu language, or Manchu language translation of Chinese characters of that time. The subject of the research, henceforth, is to suggest a new research method for Korean record history as well as Joseon-Qing(朝淸) related history of that time, including all of Manchu-Chinese character’s old documents scattered around Korea.

1. 序言

2. 장서각 소장 滿漢合璧文書의 槪觀

3. 장서각 소장 滿漢合璧文書의 轉寫

4. 結言
