최근 검색어 전체 삭제

노인 북한이탈주민의 진료 현황

Health Characteristics of Elderly North Korean Defectors: 2006-2016 at National Medical Center

  • 119

Background: The number of North Korean defectors (NKDs) exceeded 30,000 in 2016. Although the majority of NKDs is young adults, the number of elderly NKDs is growing and accounts for 4% of total NKDs in 2016. Little is known about health character-istics of elderly NKDs. Methods: Using the Korean Standard Classification of Diseases, we categorized health characteristics of elderly NKDs between January 2006 and February 2016 at the National Medical Center. Results: A total of 4,032 NKDs was observed and 11.4% (516 individuals) was ages of 60 year-old and above. In population of ages of 60 year-old and above, diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum were the most common category (27.7%), followed by categories of headache (18.4%), dorsopathies (16.9%), arthrosis (10.7%), diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws (14.5%), spondylopathies (14.3%), ischemic heart diseases (10.7%), cerebrovascular diseases (10.1%) and mood disorders (9.3%). Compared to the counterpart of ages of less than 60 year-old, the elderly NKDs population utilized frequent office visits and hospitalizations as well as longer hospital stay per hospitalization (all P<0.001). Highest health expenditures were spent in the subgroup of male and ages of 70 and above than any other subgroups (P<0.001). Conclusion: The elderly NKDs using the National Medical Center had health burdens of digestive, cardiovascular and muscu-loskeletal system diseases. Mood disorder burdens were also common. Health expenditures were concentrated in the elderly NKDs, especially, male elderly subgroup.

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