최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국내 맞춤 색조화장품에 대한 구매 심리와 만족도 연구

A Study on Purchasing Mentality and Satisfaction with Customized Color Cosmetics in Korea

DOI : 10.18693/jksba.2019.20.2.23
  • 335

Recently, the types of cosmetic and spectrum of beauty channel have been diversified while a variety of beauty knowledge, cosmetic texture and colors have been introduced and launched. In addition, the Cosmetic Act was announced for revision, especially regarding ‘Regulations governing the customized cosmetics’ in 2016. Since then, a variety of customized cosmetics that reflect customer requirements have been launched and grown. Moreover, consumer preferences and needs at the point of purchase of customized cosmetics as well as their satisfaction with released products were thoroughly investigated for reflection in new product development. However, there is a lack of research on actual conditions and the analysis of customer satisfaction in customized color cosmetics. Thus, it’s necessary to determine the actual conditions of whether color cosmetics have been developed according to customer needs. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze awareness of customized color cosmetics and purchasing mentality in S. Korea and suggest directions for the customized color cosmetics market in Korea through a survey on customized color cosmetics and specialized services. This study is significant in that it helps to determine an improvement plan for existing customized color cosmetics of companies and helps to establish a development strategy for new product, based upon research findings.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구범위 및 방법

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
