최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

17세기 말 朝日關係의 변화와 對馬藩

The Change of Joseon-Japan Relationship in the Late 17th Century and Tsushima- han

DOI : 10.24939/KJH.2019.6.49.5
  • 294

Kōrinteishō that due to the waning of Japan s might, the relationship between Joseon and Japan changed. Reconsidering this intriguing record, this article attempts to clarify the trends in Joseon-Japan relationship during the late 17th century. Already before Tsunayoshi, the Bakufu abandoned diplomacy that relied on martial prestige. However, it is particularly noteworthy that the Tsunayoshi regime mentioned this explicitly as the diplomatic stance during its reception of the Tongsinsa. In this period, the Bakufu had given more weight on Joseon relations and, in turn, officially approved the role of Tsushima-han as Chōsen-goyō, who were the mediators between the two countries. However, in the Ulleung-do incident, while the Tsushima attempted to claim Japanese sovereignty over Ulleung-do, the Bakufu avoided this, prioritizing a stable diplomatic relation with Joseon. This indicates a marked difference in diplomatic attitude towards Joseon between the Bakufu and Tsushima. Furthermore, in this period, a shift occurred in Joseon-Tsushima relations. Kashima Hyōsuke, a vassal of Tsushima-han, records that Joseon had lost their patience and have been more unyielding to the increasingly demanding Tsushima. Indeed, Joseon started to be more assertive towards Tsushima by signing the Gyehae-yakjo to control the Waegwan. Ostensibly, Tsushima complied to Joseon s restriction on private-trade, but simultaneously, devised a way to benefit from private-trade directly. Thus, patronized merchants called Motogatayaku were newly sent to the Waegwan to increase the financial profit of the han. Finally, the notion of Tsushima as the frontline of military readiness against foreign countries was another significant historical development in late 17th century. This notion was refined further in terms of narrative and logic and became a rational explanation for the role of Tsushima within the Baku-Han state.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 綱吉政權期 幕府・對馬藩의 朝日關係에 대한 입장

Ⅲ. 17세기 후반 이후 나타난 朝日・幕藩關係의 변화

Ⅳ. 맺음말
