The Russo-Japanese War (1904), which broke out during the confrontation between Russia and Japan on the Korean Peninsula, resulted in the reorganization of the powers, In Europe, a confrontational system was established, represented by a ‘Triple Entente’ and ‘Dreibund’. In that extension, Japan became a major partner in the ‘Triple Entente’. As a result, the 1907 system centered on Japan was established before and after the second International Peace Conference in East Asia. In this situation, Emperor Kojong dispatched Yi Sang-sul, Yi Jun, Yi Wi-jong and Hulbert as special envoys to the Hague Peace Conference(1907). At that time, the Japanese government was aware of Korea s move to send a special envoy to Hague in advance. However, Japan did not try to prevent Emperor Kojong from sending them, nor did watch their activities without direct restraint in Hague. There were three important political intentions here. First, Japan intended to secure her right to protect Korea in the international community. Second, Japan intended to show off to the international community, that it had the ability to rule her colonies the same as other Western powers, allowing for open anti-Japanese activities by Korean envoys. Third, Japan intended to further strengthen its dominance over Korean with this case. The dispatch of special envoys to the Hague Peace Conference(1907) was the last attempt planned by Kojong as the Emperor of the Korean Empire to maintain Korea s independence. In response, the Korean community had little expectation for the Hague Peace Conference(1907) at that time. Howerever, the special envoys’ activities were enough to draw attention. However, Korean society did not give any positive meaning to their activities. As a result of the anti-Japanese activities of Korea. Japan has been strongly pressing the Korean government to increase its influence by pressing it hard. Indeed, Faced with the fact that Japan was forced to confront Kojong with the dispatch of a special envoy to The Hague. the Korean society denied the direct relationship between Kojong Emperor and the envoys.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 제2회 헤이그 만국평화회의와 고종황제의 특사 파견
Ⅲ. 헤이그 특사에 대한 일본의 사전 탐지와 한국정책
Ⅳ. 헤이그 특사사건의 파장과 한국사회의 대응
Ⅴ. 결론