최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인물사적 관점에서 바라본 재일 역사학자 강재언

Life of Kang, Jae Eon, a Zainichi Historian -An Interpretation of His Activities, Values and Roles-

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2019.36.207
  • 88

本稿は濟州出身の在日1世の歷史家姜在彦の生涯について、その行蹟と 価値観、役割を中心に論じることを目的としている。ローゼンタールの生涯史的 研究手法を採り入れてはいるが、当然のことながら、故人を対象にインタビュー を行うのは無理であるなどの制約条件があることから、彼の膨大な著作を参照 し、補完することとした。 渡日後、左翼運動に身を投じつつ研究活動を行った姜在彦であったが、総 連による金日成への従属的姿勢に幻滅して組織を離脱した。その後、在野に 出て著述活動と大学での講義を行うこととなったが、他の在日知識人らと共に 表現活動を行う過程で、総連系在日コミュニティという狭い枠から脱し、司馬遼 太郎をはじめとする日本人の文芸家と出会うことで互いに刺激し合う形での執筆 活動を行った。交流の場となったのは彼らの住空間だった東大阪である。 司馬と共に韓国に渡航した姜在彦は、総連を離脱した在日知識人が集う ꡔ季刊三千里ꡕの執筆陣のうち、李進熙や金達寿らと共に最も早期に韓国に 渡ったが、このことによって、あくまでも統一祖国にこだわり続ける金石範らと葛 藤が生じた。 一方、在日の歴史家である姜在彦が実学や東学運動に対して肯定的に評 価を行ったことは、300年にわたって政争に明け暮れ、祖国を亡国に導いた朱子学一尊主義の士林派に対する批判と表裏一体であった。本稿において姜在彦 の士林派批判を検討したのは、彼の価値観が最も鮮明に現れているからであ る。 姜在彦は在日コリアンがいかに生きるべきかを論じるいわゆる在日論の先駆者 と言える。国家への帰属や忠誠に拘泥しない生き方の提示は総連系の在日コリ アンからは批判を浴びせられる一方、アイデンティティや帰属の問題に悩む多く のそれ以外の若い在日コリアンにとって、道標を提示したと言える。彼の役割は これに留まらず、在日、日本人を問わず、多くの後学を育てるという教育者とし ての側面もあり、多くの教え子が学界に進出している。 以上のように、姜在彦の社会的役割は活動家、歴史家、韓国渡航、在 日論の先駆者、教育者と整理することができる。

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss social roles of Kang, Jae Eon, a first generation of Zainichi historian, by reviewing his life. This thesis reviews the variety of his roles: left-wing activist, advocator of new identities for Zainichi Koreans and historian of Korean history. Rothental’s research method of the reconstruction of life story is intended to be introduced in this thesis, however, merely doing so is not enough since Kang has already passed away. Therefore, remarks in his writings are also scrutinized. After settling in Japan, Kang, Jae Eon had become an activist of left-wing movement over doing academic research on Marxism. However, he felt disillusionment on Chongryong , the pro-North organization, because it inclined to enforce worship on Kim, Il Sung. Kang decided not to belong to it anymore as other Zainichi intellectuals did. Since then, Kang’s activities were implemented not in Chongryong community but Japanese society. During this period, Kang met Shiba, Ryotaro, one of the most renowned Japanese novelist. They stimulated each other in respective writing activities. Higashi-Osaka, next to Osaka city became the place of communication. Kang became one of the first Zainichi intellectuals visiting South Korea. At that time, Kang’s visit to South Korea became a target of criticism among Zainichi community, not only Chongryong but also his colleagues, such as Kim, Seokbeom, because its prevailed perspectives on South Korea was the origin of divisionism of Korean peninsula. As a historian, Kang severely criticized extreme Neo-Confucianists because they devoted to political controversy for 300 years. He considered them as the culprit of the collapse of Choseon Dynasty. Among various historical interpretation by Kang, this thesis particularly refers to his criticism against Sarim faction. According to Kang, the faction’s intolerance on the other factions never contribute to strengthen the dynasty’s competitiveness with its neighboring nations. The Zainichi historian is regarded as one of the earliest critics of so-called Zainichi-ron . He asserted that the younger generations should not stick to belong to one of the divided nations in Korean peninsula. Indeed, criticism by Chongryong community was extremely severe, however, such an argument certainly gave positive impact on the rest of Zainichi Koreans suffering from identity crisis. In addition, Kang played a role of educator, leading many of his student to be academic professionals.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 좌익 활동가에서 국사학자로

Ⅲ. 국사학자로서의 강재언 : 사림파의 주자학일존주의 비판을 중심으로

Ⅳ. 시바 료타로와의 교류

Ⅴ. 한국방문의 선구자 그리고 재일동포 후학들의 스승 으로서의 강재언

Ⅵ. 맺음말
